Worship That Steers a Nation (Prophetic Dream & Interpretation)
by Joel Mott
October 16th, 2023
Last night I had a dream where we were preparing for a “small” worship gathering. All of a sudden the scene turned to an ariel, satellite view of our surroundings. I saw our worship gathering happening right behind the CA State Capitol building and no one had any idea that this was the setting/location.
When I woke up I felt the Holy Spirit tell me that our worship gatherings, even the “small” “insignificant ones”, in the spiritual realm, are positioned next to the governmental high places. I saw that our confession and sacrifice of praise actually affects and informs our earthly governmental direction and it guards the boundary lines of our cities by waging war on demonic agendas.
The proximity of the worship gathering to the courtroom of the Capitol meant that there was no way to run a state (or nation) without the ongoing occupancy of worshippers. These worshippers actually dictate the future and direction of the nation.
I heard the Holy Spirit say that our faithfulness in worship is tearing down principalities and powers and opening the door for God’s government to be established.
Yesterday I felt like God told me that it is time to turn the volume of worship up in our homes and in the streets. Now I understand more of the reason why! When you come into agreement with who God is (worship) His plans and government begin to take residence. This is how King David led the nation of Israel back into alignment with God.
Keep singing, friend! Keep praisin’! A whole lot more than you can imagine is being accomplished in the spirit. This is how we fight—by coming into agreement with who God is and what His plan is for the earth. Worshippers, worship!